Will the USMCA Change Mexico for the Better?


term | to bring to an end, dismiss |
approve amendment | a breaking of a law |
pass legislation | to apply by authority; force the acceptance of |
ratify | an act of interfering with someone’s rights |
impose | a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter |
provision | to introduce (something) as a basic part |
infringement | to bring in a new law by voting in parliament or by decree |
terminate | condition |
violation | to confirm by expressing consent, approval, or formal sanction |
incorporate | to confirm formally, accept an alteration of or addition to a bill, constitution, etc. |
anticipate | ожидать, предвосхищать, предчувствовать |
concession | уступка |
postpone | откладывать, отсрочивать |
determine | определять, устанавливать |
reject | отвергать, отклонять |
crucial | решающий, ключевой, критический |
compliance | согласие |
abandon | отказываться от, оставлять, покидать |
reluctant | вынужденный, неохотный |
enforcement | приведение в исполнение |
- obstacle to
- consequences for
- in particular
- change for the better
- reasons for
- benefits of
- relate to
- acceptable to
- focused on
- compliance with
- disregard for
- succeed in
- invest in
- sanctions for
- on the grounds
a clear age gap on the issue |
compared with a smaller share |
more likely to favor |
the survey explored the public’s views about |
Overall, |
In regard to the negative consequences, |
substantial majorities |
no statistically significant difference by age |
At a time when large powers and global trends are reshaping the regional environment, the only way for ASEAN countries to advance their interests effectively is by working together.
ASEAN has undergone an impressive turnaround in the past five decades.
The benefits of free and open trade are being questioned, international institutions are being challenged, new geopolitical powers are rising.
ASEAN members will feel the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution acutely.
The working-age population in the bloc is increasing by 11,000 people daily and will continue to grow at this rate for the next 15 years.
The demographic expansion is happening just as many existing jobs will be substituted by intelligent automation and AI.
Faced with these disruptive shifts, ASEAN must strengthen its community.
Indeed, the bloc has long been praised for its “open regionalism,” whereby it pursues economic integration among member states without discriminating against non-ASEAN economies.
With the architecture of global governance being challenged, ASEAN members must make their voices heard if they want a world that supports their interests.
Individually, Southeast Asia’s countries carry little weight; collectively, however, they represent almost a tenth of the world’s population and nearly 5% of its GDP.
Historically, ASEAN has played a pivotal role in facilitating regional relationships, giving rise to the notion of “ASEAN centrality” in Asia.
In 1993, the bloc established the ASEAN Regional Forum – now with 27 members – to foster dialogue on political and security concerns.
It established the East Asia Summit, currently with 18 member states, in 2005.
Today, however, the geopolitical context is evolving.
Unless ASEAN remains united as a bloc, it will lose its ability to convene regional actors, mediate disputes, and shape principles of international behavior and interaction.
But a reassessment is needed if ASEAN is to speak with a strong voice on regional matters, rather than allowing dissenting voices within the group to prevent the adoption of collective positions.
Given that existing global institutions are being challenged, and given the rise of Asia in global affairs, ASEAN must reinforce its ability to influence the debate.