attend to
clamp down
resort to
subject to
advance | способствовать; приближать, ускорять; продвигаться |
pursue | преследовать, продолжать, заниматься; искать, добиваться |
attend to | обращать внимание; уделять внимание |
asset | имущество; средства; активы; ценное качество, вклад |
priority | приоритет |
undergo | подвергаться, испытывать, переносить |
foster | поощрять, воспитывать, благоприятствовать |
trigger | инициировать, вызывать, дать начало |
tangible | материальный, ощутимый, осязаемый |
feasible | возможный, осуществимый, выполнимый, вероятный |
redefine | пересмотреть, переоценить, переопределить |
merge | сливаться, соединяться, поглощать |
construct | конструкция, концепция, образ |
overarching | всеохватывающий; всеобъемлющий |
consequential | логически вытекающий, важный |
protracted | затянувшийся; длительный |
emphasize | подчеркивать, акцентировать, выделять |
manifestation | проявление; обнаружение |
relief | помощь, пособие, облегчение, снижение |
domain | область, сфера, поле деятельности |
resort to | обращаться за помощью к, прибегать к |
extension | расширение, продолжение, удлинение, распространение |
vulnerable | уязвимый, ранимый |
substantial | существенный, значительный, важный |
benevolent | благотворительный, доброжелательный |
stymie | загнать в угол, ставить в тупик, безвыходное положение |
combat | вести бой, сражаться, бороться |
capacity | вместимость, мощность, способность, объем |
promote | способствовать, поощрять, продвигать, стимулировать |
amplify | увеличивать, расширять; усиливать |
deter | удерживать, останавливать |
apparently | по-видимому, очевидно, вероятно |
unprecedented | беспрецедентный |
incentive | стимул, побуждение |
implication | смысл, значение, подтекст |
expose | подвергать, показывать |
embrace | включать, заключать в себе, охватывать |
resilience | стойкость, жизнеспособность |
robust | крепкий, сильный, устойчивый |
shift | менять, изменять, перемещать |
mitigate | смягчать, уменьшать |
enhance | повышать, усиливать, увеличивать |
inherent | присущий, неотъемлемый, свойственный, врожденный |
restrict | ограничивать, держать в определённых пределах; сводить к |
scrutiny | изучение, исследование, внимательный осмотр |
diversify | разнообразить, варьировать |
emergence | появление, возникновение |
undermine | подрывать, разрушать |
erode | разрушать, разъедать, размывать |
boost | форсировать, повышать, стимулировать, ускорять |
advance | способствовать; приближать, ускорять; продвигаться |
pursue | преследовать, продолжать, заниматься; искать, добиваться |
attend to | обращать внимание; уделять внимание |
asset | имущество; средства; активы; ценное качество, вклад |
priority | приоритет |
undergo | подвергаться, испытывать, переносить |
foster | поощрять, воспитывать, благоприятствовать |
trigger | инициировать, вызывать, дать начало |
tangible | материальный, ощутимый, осязаемый |
feasible | возможный, осуществимый, выполнимый, вероятный |
- success in
- threat to
- prospect of
- tension over
- regardless of
- paradox for
- renege on
- belonging to
- option for
- opportunities for
- approach to
- account for
- basis for
- contribute to
- attend to
resort to | обращаться за помощью к, прибегать к |
extension | расширение, продолжение, удлинение, распространение |
vulnerable | уязвимый, ранимый |
substantial | существенный, значительный, важный |
benevolent | благотворительный, доброжелательный |
stymie | загнать в угол, ставить в тупик, безвыходное положение |
combat | вести бой, сражаться, бороться |
capacity | вместимость, мощность, способность, объем |
promote | способствовать, поощрять, продвигать, стимулировать |
amplify | увеличивать, расширять; усиливать |
- resort to
- in response to
- demands for
- answer to
- suffer from
- relative to
- owing to
- benefit from
- deal with
- restrict to
deter | удерживать, останавливать |
apparently | по-видимому, очевидно, вероятно |
unprecedented | беспрецедентный |
incentive | стимул, побуждение |
implication | смысл, значение, подтекст |
expose | подвергать, показывать |
embrace | включать, заключать в себе, охватывать |
resilience | стойкость, жизнеспособность |
robust | крепкий, сильный, устойчивый |
shift | менять, изменять, перемещать |
- a reduction in
- central to
- implication for
- reaction to
- expose to
- shelter from
- at any rate
- revert to
- exemplify by
- response to
- at a pace
- critical for
- credited with
- accuse of
- at the level
mitigate | смягчать, уменьшать |
enhance | повышать, усиливать, увеличивать |
disrupt | разрушать, срывать, разрывать |
restrict | ограничивать, держать в определённых пределах; сводить к |
scrutiny | изучение, исследование, внимательный осмотр |
diversify | разнообразить, варьировать |
emergence | появление, возникновение |
undermine | подрывать, разрушать |
erode | разрушать, разъедать, размывать |
boost | форсировать, повышать, стимулировать, ускорять |
- to some extent
- depend on
- support for
- rely on
- with regard to
- access to
- incentive for
- emphasis on
- increase in
- strain on
anticipate | ожидать, предвосхищать, предчувствовать |
concession | уступка |
postpone | откладывать, отсрочивать |
determine | определять, устанавливать |
reject | отвергать, отклонять |
crucial | решающий, ключевой, критический |
compliance | согласие, соблюдение, соответствие |
abandon | отказываться от, оставлять, покидать |
reluctant | вынужденный, неохотный |
enforcement | приведение в исполнение |
- obstacle to
- consequences for
- in particular
- change for the better
- reasons for
- benefits of
- relate to
- acceptable to
- focused on
- compliance with
- disregard for
- succeed in
- invest in
- sanctions for
- on the grounds
eventually | в конечном счете |
enduring | прочный, продолжительный |
derive | получать, происходить, вытекать |
distinctive | отличительный, особый, характерный |
conform | соответствовать, подчиняться |
overlapping | перекрывающий(ся); частично совпадающий |
superimpose | накладывать, впечатывать |
converge | сходиться в одной точке, сосредоточиваться |
envisage | предусматривать, предвидеть, намечать |
secure | гарантировать, укреплять, обеспечивать (безопасность) |
- emerge from
- lead to
- subordination to
- derive from
- date from
- conform to
- worthy of
- motive for
- accompanied by
- problems for
- model on
- respect for
- interference in
- integrate into
- squabble over
clout | влияние, авторитет, мощь, вес |
profound | глубокий, основательный, фундаментальный |
impact | воздействие, влияние |
bolster | поддерживать, укреплять |
insulate | отделять, обособлять, изолировать |
pivotal | основной, центральный, кардинальный |
facilitate | содействовать, способствовать, облегчать, продвигать |
evolve | развивать, развертывать |
stance | позиция, установка |
reinforce | укреплять, усиливать, подкреплять |
- grapple with
- under pressure
- an impact on
- faced with
- insulated against
- respond to
- at scale
- praise for
- discriminate against
- integral to
- give rise to
- at risk
- commitment to
- vision for
- stance on
upcoming | наступающий, предстоящий |
underlying | основной, лежащий в основе, подразумеваемый, скрытый |
precursor | предшественник, предвестник |
intrusive | навязчивый, назойливый |
foment | разжигать, раздувать, подстрекать |
framework | рамки, основа, структура, каркас |
sufficient | достаточный |
impediment | препятствие, помеха, задержка |
conceive | постигать, понимать, представлять себе, задумывать |
predicate | утверждать; заявлять, основывать |
- on the agenda
- accounts for
- stem from
- subject to
- precursor for
- equivalent of
- aim at
- on the contrary
- support for
- for these reasons
- to one’s credit
- owing to
- impediments to
- forum for
- predicate upon
decay | ослабление, упадок, распад |
powerhouse | центр власти, влияния |
counterweight | противовес |
frustration | разочарование, расстройство, срыв, крушение |
substantive | значительный, существенный |
tensions | напряженные отношения; трения; конфликт |
stalled | застойный, тупиковый |
looming | надвигаться, принимать угрожающие размеры |
meddling | вмешательство |
controversial | спорный, дискуссионный |
- counterweight to
- barriers to
- in exchange for
- put on trial
- access to
- resort to
- meddling with/ in
- similar to
- different from
- on the rise
SET 10
reside | находиться, принадлежать |
distinct | отдельный, особый, отчетливый, определенный |
subject to | подвергаться, зависеть от |
abundance | множество, избыток |
depletion | истощение, опустошение |
impede | препятствовать, мешать, затруднять, задерживать |
susceptible | восприимчивый, поддающийся, допускающий |
allocate | распределять, назначать, отчислить |
capacity | мощность, способность, возможность, объем |
constrained | ограниченный, сдержанный |
- refer to
- defined by
- derive from
- range from
- dependent on
- demand for
- burden on
- allocate to
- subject to
- vital to
- susceptible to
- in the long-run
- constrained to
- engage in
- in an effort
SET 15
endowment | пожертвование, вклад, дар |
milestone | веха, этап |
ultimate | окончательный, максимальный, предельный, основной |
reflect | отражать, отражаться, размышлять |
hasten | спешить, ускорять |
preoccupy | занимать внимание, поглощать внимание |
persistent | стойкий, постоянный, настойчивый |
enable | позволять, разрешать, давать возможность, делать возможным |
mismatch | плохое сочетание, несоответствие |
imperative | необходимый, срочный |
- diverse in
- key to
- entered into force
- at the sub-regional level
- succeed in
- preoccupied with
- under financial strain
- owing to
- dependence on
- essential to
SET 16
precipitate | ускорять; усугублять |
commitment | обязательство, приверженность; убеждения |
underscore | подчеркивать, акцентировать |
encompass | заключать, касаться |
reconcile | согласовать, согласовывать, примирять |
expedite | ускорять, содействовать |
epitomize | воплощать, резюмировать |
dispense | обходиться (без чего-л.) |
contentious | спорный |
blueprint | план, проект, программа |
- commitment to
- respond to
- regardless of
- envisioned in
- account for
- priority for
- on average
- compliance with
- gear up for
- appeals for
- focus on
- implication for
- incorporated into
- along with
- dispense with
SET 17
shrink | сокращать, сокращаться, сжиматься |
encounter | сталкиваться, наталкиваться |
adherent | сторонник, приверженец |
inevitable | неизбежный, неминуемый |
albeit | хотя, тем не менее, даже хотя |
stringent | строгий, точный, обязательный, веский, убедительный |
obtain | получать, приобретать, добиваться, достигать |
forbid | запрещать, не позволять |
permit | лицензия, пропуск |
articulate | ясно выражать, формулировать |
- to shrink by
- accompanied by
- encounter X xenophobic attitudes
- with respect to
- aware of
- access to
- with regard to
- engage in
- integrated into
- similar to
SET 18
unviable | несостоятельный, нежизнеспособный, нерентабельный |
populous | густонаселенный, многолюдный |
subsequent | последующий, более поздний |
perspective | вид, точка зрения, видение, подход |
putative | предполагаемый, мнимый |
impel | побуждать, принуждать |
tentatively | предварительно, в предварительном порядке, ориентировочно |
compatible | совместимый, сочетаемый |
indispensable | необходимый, незаменимый, обязательный |
backlash | отрицательная реакция, ответный удар |
- marked by
- concluded with
- within the framework
- under the provisions
- regard as
- shield by
- associate with
- against the background
- perspective on
- dissent from
SET 19
stance | позиция, установка |
surge | повышение, быстрый рост, резкий скачок |
clamp down | подавлять, прекращать, запретить |
nurture | вынашивать, воспитывать, лелеять; питать |
standoff | тупик, ничья, безвыходное положение |
curtail | сокращать, урезать, уменьшать |
inimical | враждебный, недружелюбный, неблагоприятный, вредный |
flawed | бракованный; дефектный, ошибочный |
imperil | подвергать опасности; рисковать |
imply | означать, подразумевать, предполагать, значить |
- stance toward
- surge in
- support for
- transform into
- on the grounds
- in particular
- in general
- clamp down on
- impose on
- at a juncture
SET 20
dimension | аспект, сфера, элемент, измерение |
violation | нарушение |
mediate | быть посредником, содействовать соглашению |
dilute | ослабленный, слабый |
stalemate | тупик, безвыходное положение |
plausible | правдоподобный, вероятный |
consent | согласие, разрешение, соглашаться |
urge | убеждать, побуждать, настаивать |
inclination | предрасположение, предрасположенность, склонность |
purview | компетенция, сфера, область, границы, нормы закона |
- commitment to
- at the height of
- record on
- live up to
- in charge of
- on the grounds
- respond to
- coincide with
- confront x
- solution to
- plausible for
- from the perspective of
- consent to
- in practice
- under the purview
resort to прибегать, обращаться | definition to have recourse for use, help, or accomplishing something, often as a final available option or resource synonyms recourse, recur collocations to resort to warresort to [drastic, emergency] measures resort to [violence, killing] (without) resorting to dirty [tricks, play] |
extension расширение, продолжение, удлинение, распространение | definition an act or instance of extending, lengthening, stretching out, or enlarging the scope of something synonyms lengthening, enlargement, prolonging, augmentation, expansion, increase, protraction collocations a [loan, credit, payment, mortgage] extension [asked, applied] for a [loan] extension [an assignment, an essay, a project, a homework] extension an extension of the deadline an extension of six [weeks, months, days] the [bank, government] has [granted, approved] an extension |
vulnerable уязвимый, ранимый | definition capable of being wounded or hurt physically or emotionally; open to or defenseless against criticism or moral attack; open to assault; difficult to defend synonyms unprotected, defenseless, exposed, susceptible, sensitive, liable, subject collocations vulnerable [patients, residents, families, children] vulnerable [groups, sections, areas, property] are vulnerable to [floods, disasters, attacks] have been left vulnerable by the [decision, storm] found themselves in a vulnerable [position, situation] have become [increasingly] vulnerable amongst the most vulnerable areas the most vulnerable in [society, the area] |
substantial существенный, значительный, важный | definition of a considerable size or value, having wealth or importance, sufficient and nourishing synonyms considerable, ample, abundant, plentiful, sizable, large-scale, consequential, important collocations a substantial [number, amount, quantity] (of) has a substantial amount of [food, money, ammunition] a substantial [decrease, fall, growth, rise] (in) a substantial [decrease] in [interest, profits, price, value] the [army, enemy, forces] suffered substantial losses the [market, company, organization] reported substantial [profits, losses] is substantial in terms of [size, number, impact] is substantial [against, compared to] |
benevolent благотворительный, доброжелательный | definition characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings; intended for benefits rather than profit synonyms generous, altruistic, kindly, charitable, beneficent, compassionate, sympathetic collocations a benevolent smile gifts from benevolent alumnia benevolent attitude a benevolent institution |
stymie загнать в угол, ставить в тупик, безвыходное положение | definition to block or prevent from proceeding or going forward synonyms impede, obstruct, hamper, block collocations stymie growing protests stymie access stymie the career |
combat вести бой, сражаться, бороться | definition to fight or contend against;oppose vigorously synonyms oppose, resist, contend with, do battle with, counter collocations combat crime, problem, drug, pollution, inflation, terrorism, threat, unimployment, abuse, desease, effects, racism |
capacity вместимость, мощность, способность, объем | definition the maximum amount or number that can be contained;volume; the power or ability of the mind; mental ability, ability to perform, yield, or withstand synonyms ability, capacity, skill, aptitude, facility, competence, faculty, capability, potential, inclination collocations a maximum capacity of [40,000] [people, guests] the capacity is [limited, restricted] to [40,000] the capacity has been [extended, boosted, increased] to is full to capacity is at full capacity has the capacity to [provide, meet, produce, make] [mental, emotional, cognitive] capacities the [child’s, student’s] capacity to [learn, improve] |
promote способствовать, поощрять, продвигать, стимулировать | definition encourage; to advance in rank or position; to aid in organizing synonyms material, physical, substantial, touchable, concrete, visible, observable collocations promoted from [assistant, manager] promoted to [manager, CEO] promote (good) health (and wellbeing) promote a [positive, healthy, better] promote the [development, interests, growth, health] of promote economic [growth, development] (in)promote [awareness, understanding, acceptance, openness] promote [the event, a concert, his movie] |
amplify увеличивать, расширять; усиливать | definition to make larger, greater, or stronger synonyms enlarge, extend, increase, intensify, raise, expand , magnify, inflate, enlarge, augment collocations amplify creativity, energy, positive attitudes, enrollment |
deter удерживать, останавливать | definition to discourage or restrain from acting or proceeding synonyms hinder, hamper, impede, inhibit, curb, prevent, forestall collocations (to) deter [trespassers, thieves, burglars] (to) deter [speeding, theft, vandalism] |
apparently по-видимому, очевидно, вероятно | definition as far as can be known or supposed; obviously; clearly synonyms seemingly, evidently, allegedly, supposedly, presumably collocations apparently, it is [going, supposed] to [rain, storm, snow] was apparently an [accident, suicide, murder] apparently it was an [accident] apparently, we’re not [allowed, going, supposed] to |
unprecedented беспрецедентный | definition without previous instance; never before known/ experienced synonyms uncommon, unique , unusual, unexampled, unparalleled collocations an unprecedented decision an unprecedented [display, performance] (of) an unprecedented [social, sporting, political] event an unprecedented [rise, fall, growth, increase, decrease] (in) an unprecedented [level, extent, degree] of [CO2, lead, unemployment] unprecedented [personal, economic, financial] growth unprecedented in [modern, human, political] terms |
incentive стимул, побуждение | definition a positive motivational influence; an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output synonyms motivation, motive, stimulus collocations a [financial, cash, tax] incentive a [little, strong] incentive (to)[tax] incentives for [creating, employing, reducing] an incentive to [make, help, get, keep] offer their [employees, workers] an incentive (to)an investment incentive incentives for [people, companies, citizens] incentives and rewards |
implication смысл, значение, подтекст | definition inferred, deduced or entailed synonyms consequence, result, ramification, outcome, repercussions, effects collocations political implications to consider the implications of the implications of the theory |
expose подвергать, показывать | definition to lay open to danger, attack, or harm; to present to view;exhibit synonyms uncover, reveal, disclose; display, exhibit collocations expose your [skin, face, eyes] to the sun expose to [high, low, freezing] temperatures the [politician, student, teacher] was exposed to [ridicule, criticism] exposed to [the elements, bad language] |
embrace включать, заключать в себе, охватывать | definition to accept or adopt willingly; to include or contain synonyms adopt, follow, support, include, enclose, encompass collocations embrace the [idea, thought, concept, words, philosophy] of embrace [change, diversity] embrace [technology, the modern world, the new way of life, their culture] |
resilience стойкость, жизнеспособность | definition the ability of a person to adjust to or recover readily from illness, adversity, major life changes; the ability of a system or organization to respond to or recover readily from a crisis, disruptive process synonyms flexibility, strength, stamina, adaptability collocations [tough, strong, weak, no, little] resilience [extreme, great, remarkable] resiliencethe resilience of [workers, consumers, the economy, a nation] resilience to [trauma, setbacks, attacks, shocks] [build up, develop, improve, boost] resilience resilience to [high temperatures, extreme pressure] |
robust крепкий, сильный, устойчивый | definition strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous synonyms sturdy, tough, dynamic, powerful collocations a robust [method, framework] a robust approach towardsa robust [system, program, version] a robust economy robust [growth, expansion, health] |
shift менять, изменять, перемещать | definition to put aside/ replace; change or exchange, to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another synonyms modify, vary, adjust, alter collocations shift your [position, opinion] on shift sides to shift your [thinking, perspective, ideas] shifting towards [greater, higher, better] [communism, the left] shift away from the [noise, flash] shift the [burden, blame, responsibility, burden, emphasis] |
mitigate смягчать, уменьшать | definition to lessen in force or intensity; make less severe synonyms alleviate, relieve, diminish, decrease, reduce collocations to mitigate punishment to mitigate penalty to mitigate risks to mitigate losses to mitigate competition to mitigate the effect to mitigate the loss |
enhance повышать, усиливать, увеличивать | definition to increase the value, attractiveness, or quality of;improve synonyms intensify,boost, magnify, amplify, strengthen collocations enhance the [quality, performance] of enhance the [understanding, awareness] of enhance the security of the [building, country, school] enhance the [taste, flavor, appeal] of enhance communication [between, within, among] |
disrupt разрушать, срывать, разрывать | definition to cause disorder or turmoil in, to interrupt the normal operation of synonyms interfere with, intrude on, obstruct, meddle, breach collocations disrupt the [meeting, conversation, peace, proceedings] disrupt the [progress, growth, development] of disrupted the lives of [millions, the residents] |
restrict ограничивать, держать в определённых пределах; сводить к | definition to keep within limits, as of space, action, amount synonyms restrain , curb, confine, limit, contain collocations restrict [access, entry, imports] to [the web, the internet, websites, sites] [access] was restricted to [members, professionals, ex-students] [access] was restricted by [management, IT, the organizers] restrict movement |
scrutiny изучение, исследование, внимательный осмотр | definition a searching and careful examination or investigation synonyms inspection, check, audit, survey, observation, probe collocations under the [government’s, public’s, regulator’s, interviewer’s, panel’s] scrutiny under the (close) scrutiny of the [government] [examine, review, inspect] under formal scrutiny [actions, movements, dealings] are under (close) scrutiny |
diversify разнообразить, варьировать | definition to give or increase variety, to expand (a business or product line) by manufacturing a larger variety of different products synonyms vary, expand, broaden, branch out, change, stretch, diverge collocations to diversify the assortment to diversify the economy to diversify risks to diversify production to diversify the base |
emergence появление, возникновение | definition the appearance of new properties or species in the course of development or evolution synonyms appearance, rise, inception, birth, beginning, start collocations emergence of a tendencyemergence from a recession emergence of many new nations |
undermine подрывать, разрушать | definition to weaken or destroy by degrees, to attack by indirect, secret, or hidden means synonyms sabotage, subvert, overthrow, damage, threaten, destroy, ruin, compromise collocations undermine [authority, position, confidence, health] undermine [efforts, hard work, the progress made] undermine the [structure, foundations, formation] |
erode разрушать, разъедать, размывать | definition to cause to be destroyed by slowly using up or disintegrating, to disappear gradually synonyms crumble, decay, corrode, waste, ravage, spoil collocations erode differences erode enemy forces erode power erode public support erode sovereignty erode stability |
boost форсировать, повышать, стимулировать, ускорять | definition to increase; raise synonyms aid, promote, lift, expand, enlarge, intensify, escalate collocations to boost prices, economy, salaries, morale |
eventually в конечном счете | definition at the very end; finally synonyms finally; ultimately collocations (it) eventually [led to, resulted in, caused] was eventually [elected, chosen, wounded] eventually [won, stopped, crashed] |
enduring прочный, продолжительный | definition lasting; permanent synonyms long-standing, constant, consistent, ongoing collocations enduring [freedom, prosperity, peace] the enduring [legacy, vision, power] of |
derive получать, происходить, вытекать | definition to receive or obtain from a source or origin; produce synonyms stem from, originate in, arise from collocations derive [benefit, satisfaction, pleasure] (from) derives its meaning from [Greek, the context, your tone] derive [conclusions, results] (from, about) |
distinctive отличительный, особый, характерный | definition serving to distinguish; characteristic synonyms typical, particular, unique, individual, special, different collocations distinctive in [quality, appearance, shape] a distinctive [smell, flavor, taste] distinctive features/ characteristics of |
conform соответствовать, подчиняться | definition to act in accordance or agreement; comply synonyms obey, adhere, fulfill, satisfy collocations conform to [the norm, the status quo, society] conform to [expectations, requirements, regulations] conform to (certain) [social norms, conventions, rules] conform to someone else’s [ideas, ideals] |
overlapping перекрывающий(ся); частично совпадающий | definition to have something in common or come together partly with synonyms coinciding, superimposed, projecting collocations overlapping ages/ counties/ sectors/ routes |
superimpose накладывать, впечатывать | definition to put, place, or set over or on something else synonyms cover, overlay collocations superimpose conditions superimpose one image on another superimpose a map on |
converge сходиться в одной точке, сосредоточиваться | definition to tend to meet at a point; to develop toward a common result synonyms merge, assemble, concentrate, focalise, meet collocations converge schedules converge to strong conclusions |
envisage предусматривать, предвидеть, намечать | definition to imagine happening; visualize; envision synonyms foresee, predict, anticipate, envision, forecast collocations envisage [difficulties, issues, problems] envisage [a scenario, the circumstances, a situation] |
secure гарантировать, укреплять, обеспечивать (безопасность) | definition to make certain of; ensure; make safe; obtain synonyms gain, attain, acquire, assure, protect collocations secure the [victory, win] secure the [position, niche, title] |
clout влияние, авторитет, мощь, вес | definition strong influence; having a superior or more favorable position synonyms leverage, might, power collocations have considerable clout in the [committee, department, organization] wield/ pull/ carry/ hold a lot of clout |
profound глубокий, основательный, фундаментальный | definition of the greatest intensity; complete; relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply synonyms deep, extensive, total, intense collocations a profound [sense, feeling, state] of have a profound [impact, influence, effect] (on) raise profound [questions, concerns] (about) |
impact воздействие, влияние | definition influence, as the force carried by a new idea, etc. synonyms effect, influence, ramifications, result, consequence collocations a [positive, negative, adverse] impact have a [big, huge, small, noticeable] impact |
bolster поддерживать, укреплять | definition support, or uphold synonyms reinforce, strengthen, underpin, boost collocations bolster confidence/ career/ theory |
insulate отделять, обособлять, изолировать | definition to place in an isolated situation or condition; segregate; set apart synonyms separate, single out collocations insulate from the region’s political problems insulate children from painful experiences |
pivotal основной, центральный, кардинальный | definition of vital or critical importance synonyms crucial, central, principal, critical, essential collocations a pivotal [point, moment] a pivotal [figure, influence] in [played, had] a pivotal role (in) pivotal to [success, the deal] |
facilitate содействовать, способствовать, облегчать, продвигать | definition make something easier or more likely to happen synonyms promote, simplify, assist collocations facilitate the [growth, development, trade, use] (of) facilitate [access, communication, learning, understanding] |
evolve развивать, развертывать | definition come forth gradually into being; develop synonyms develop, unfold, expand, elaborate collocations evolved [independently, separately] continues to evolve evolve at a rapid pace |
stance позиция, установка | definition a mental or emotional position or opinion taken with respect to something synonyms attitude, position, opinion, viewpoint, standpoint, perspective collocations take a stance on the issue [social, political, economic] stance take an aggressive stance towards/ against take a proactive stance towards |
reinforce укреплять, усиливать, подкреплять | definition to make more forceful or effective; strengthen; support synonyms strengthen, support, underpin, fortify collocations reinforce the [idea, notion, concept] reinforce feelings/ opinion/ judgment |
upcoming наступающий, предстоящий | definition about to take place, appear, or be presented synonyms approaching, imminent, impending, forthcoming, scheduled, in prospect collocations an upcoming [event, game, movie, show] upcoming this [week, month] |
underlying основной, лежащий в основе, подразумеваемый, скрытый | definition fundamental; basic; implicit synonyms basic, fundamental, intrinsic, primary collocations the underlying [motive, motivation, cause, reasons, problem, condition] (of) is the underlying rationale [behind, for, supporting] according to the underlying [principle, assumption, theory] the underlying [theme, message] of the [story, book, movie] |
precursor предшественник, предвестник | definition a person or thing that comes before another, as in a method synonyms predecessor, forerunner collocations precursor to election campaign/ offending/ disease |
intrusive навязчивый, назойливый | definition tending to be encroaching, invasive, trespassing synonyms interfering, meddlesome, meddling, officious collocations intrusive cameras, scrutiny, journalists |
foment разжигать, раздувать, подстрекать | definition to instigate or foster; promote the growth or development of synonyms incite, provoke, arouse, inflame, excite, encourage, stimulate collocations discord, rebellion, terror |
framework рамки, основа, структура, каркас | definition a structural plan or basis of a project synonyms structure, skeleton, frame, infrastructure, architecture collocations a [national, company, wide] framework [an analytical, a political, a legal, a scientific] framework a framework for the [project, job, class] a framework to [support, guide, help, ensure] |
sufficient достаточный | definition adequate for the purpose; enough synonyms ample, plenty, adequate, satisfactory, due, decent collocations sufficient [funds, cash, money, resources, credit, capital] give sufficient [details, information, references] |
impediment препятствие, помеха, задержка | definition obstruction; hindrance; obstacle synonyms hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, barrier, interference, inhibition collocations to work, to practice of war |
conceive постигать, понимать, представлять себе, задумывать | definition to form an idea, notion; envision; imagine; consider; to hold as an opinion synonyms understand, comprehend, perceive collocations difficult to conceive [why] conceived to [create, facilitate, improve, provide] |
predicate утверждать; заявлять, основывать | definition to make an affirmation or assertion synonyms affirm; assert; proclaim; declare collocations predicated upon my confidence, predicated on understanding, predicated the theory on |
decay ослабление, упадок, распад | definition a gradual and continuing decline synonyms decline, deterioration, collapse, downfall collocations [mental, moral, physical, urban, radioactive] decay the [country, nation, economy] is in decay the [house, building] is in a state of decay fall into decay |
powerhouse центр власти, влияния | definition a person, group, team, or the like, having great energy, strength, or potential for success synonyms man of action, a cooperative unit collocations powerhouse legal firm technology/ media/ production powerhouse economic powerhouse |
counterweight противовес | definition a counterbalancing weight, influence, or force synonyms counterbalance, counterpoise, equaliser collocations a powerful regional counterweight to a powerful regional counterweight to system of weights and counterweights a vital counterweight to Western power a counterweight to skepticism |
frustration разочарование, расстройство, срыв, крушение | definition a feeling of dissatisfaction, discontent synonyms disappointment, inconvenience collocations hope and frustration through struggles and frustration a mix of frustration and anger |
substantive значительный, существенный | definition of a great or considerable amount or quantity; having practical importance, value, use, or effect synonyms essential, meaningful, considerable, significant collocations substantive record, substantive due process to make a substantive judgement and recommendation |
tensions напряженные отношения; трения; конфликт | definition a strained relationship between individuals, groups, nations synonyms strain, pressure, hostility, friction, antagonism collocations diplomatic efforts to ease tensions escalate tensions increase tensions |
stalled застойный, тупиковый | definition stop being effective, working synonyms hampered, inhibited collocations stalled infrastructure, economy |
looming надвигаться, принимать угрожающие размеры | definition to assume form as an event about to happen synonyms imminent, in sight, impending, on the horizon collocations a looming [threat of, crisis in, war, deadline, confrontation] |
meddling вмешательство | definition the act of interfering with or altering something secretly or improperly synonyms tampering, intrusion, interruption, trespass, interference collocations meddling in personal life/ affairs |
controversial спорный, дискуссионный | definition subject to controversy; debatable synonyms questionable, contentious, arguable, dubious, provocative collocations a controversial [book, article, politician]make a controversial [decision, ruling, law]the controversial [issue, question, matter] ofcontroversial [plans, programs, changes] (to) |
reside находиться, принадлежать | definition to abide, lie, or be present habitually; exist or be inherent synonyms lie, rest, be located, be found, be situated, be present, be vested, exist, belong collocations reside in [London, the city, the country, that house] reside [permanently, temporarily] resides in the fact[power, talent, strength] resides in him |
distinct отдельный, особый, отчетливый, определенный | definition distinguished as not being the same; separate; dissimilar synonyms apparent, distinctive, distinguishing, typical, peculiar to collocations are distinct from [each other, the others] are [very, completely] distinct distinct in [character, color, style, shape] |
subject to подвергаться, зависеть от | definition open or exposed to; being under the rule, control, or influence of something synonyms prone to, liable to, susceptible to, vulnerable to; dependent on, reliant on/ upon collocations have been subjected to [discrimination, racism] subjected to [such, cruel, unnecessary] humiliation subjected to [starvation, poor working conditions] |
abundance множество, избыток | definition an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply synonyms wealth, bunch, plentiful supply collocations of resources/ sites/ wealth |
depletion истощение, опустошение | definition to decrease badly; use up the supply of synonyms exhaustion, reduction, drainage, consumption, shrinkage, wasting collocations the depletion of [supplies, provisions, resources, water, ammunition] the depletion of [strength, power, resistance, energy] the depletion of the [ozone layer, arctic ice] depletion of [funds, capital, money, reserves] |
impede препятствовать, мешать, затруднять, задерживать | definition to cause to slow down in movement or progress synonyms hinder, hamper, block, prevent collocations impede their [progress, efforts, access, success, work] is impeding the [development, progress] of |
susceptible восприимчивый, поддающийся, допускающий | definition sensitive to, easily moved by, or easily touched by some influence, agency, force synonyms vulnerable, prone, inclined, liable, exposed collocations susceptible to [damage, disease, infection, poisoning] the [birds, patients, children] are susceptible to [may, could, might] be susceptible (to) |
allocate распределять, назначать, отчислить | definition to set apart for a particular purpose; assign synonyms allot, designate, assign, appoint collocations time/ money/ budget |
capacity мощность, способность, возможность, объем | definition the maximum amount or number that can be contained;volume; ability to perform, yield, or withstand synonyms limit, size, volume, range; ability, aptitude, skill, talent collocations a maximum capacity of [40,000] [people, guests] The capacity is [limited, restricted] to [40,000]. the capacity has been [extended, boosted, increased] tois at full capacity has the capacity to [provide, meet, produce, make] [mental, emotional, cognitive] capacities |
constrained ограниченный, сдержанный | definition forced, compelled, or obliged synonyms restricted, restrained, confined, stifled, inhibited collocations constrained to [work, be, admit, study, accept, pay] constrained from [punching, speaking, hitting, approaching] constrained by [the law, rules, regulations, rules and regulations] constrained by [officers, her husband, friends] |
endowment пожертвование, вклад, дар | definition the capital that provides income for an institution synonyms donation, grant, subsidizing, funding collocations [institutional, clerical, academic, university] endowments; receive endowment |
milestone веха, этап | definition a significant or important event in history; a significant stage in the life, progress, development synonyms pillar, turning/ critical point, landmark collocations a milestone in [science, sport, politics, history, technology] a [scientific] milestone a milestone of the [modern era, twentieth century] |
ultimate окончательный, максимальный, предельный, основной | definition decisive, total, most extreme synonyms eventual, primary, supreme, essential collocations ultimate [goal, aim, objective] is (to) with the ultimate [goal] of [getting, improving, protecting, having] the ultimate purpose of the [plan, visit, talks] |
reflect отражать, отражаться, размышлять | definition to think over, to express synonyms contemplate, indicate, show, display collocations reflect the [views, opinions] of our [company, organization] reflects the [cost, worth, value, quality] |
hasten спешить, ускорять | definition move fast, act at high speed, cause to occur rapidly synonyms rush, accelerate, stimulate, quicken collocations hasten the process/ the recovery process, hasten to [add, say] |
preoccupy занимать внимание, поглощать внимание | definition engage or engross the interest or attention of beforehand or occupy urgently or obsessively synonyms obsess, absorb, take the attention collocations the matter preoccupies preoccupies completely preoccupy financial markets |
persistent стойкий, постоянный, настойчивый | definition continuing to do something in spite of difficulty, opposition, or criticism; lasting for a long time synonyms determined, tenacious, persevering, resolute; relentless, unceasing, incessant, constant collocations a persistent [lack, shortage, shortfall] (of) is a persistent [problem, concern, worry] |
enable позволять, разрешать, давать возможность, делать возможным | definition to make able, possible; authorize; give power or ability synonyms facilitate, assist, empower collocations enable the [development, investigation, production] of enables you to achieve [your goals, success] |
mismatch плохое сочетание, несоответствие | definition a bad or unsuitable match synonyms unsatisfactory match; inappropriate match collocations [avoid, solve, overcome, correct] the mismatch a mismatch in [criteria, arguments, figures, numbers] a mismatch of [supplies, expectations] a [complete, huge, future] mismatch |
imperative необходимый, срочный | definition absolutely necessary, an unavoidable requirement synonyms mandatory, necessary, obligatory, required, compulsory collocations moral imperative, political imperatives become imperative it is imperative to remember |
precipitate ускорять; усугублять | definition to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly synonyms accelerate, hurry, hasten collocations crisis, regime collapse, events |
commitment обязательство, приверженность; убеждения | definition a strong or firm belief shown by one’s actions; loyalty; a responsibility that takes up or occupies one’s time synonyms obligation, responsibility, dedication collocations a [financial, time, political] commitment [undying, complete, total] commitment (to) commitment to the [community, school, environment] |
underscore подчеркивать, акцентировать | definition to underline; to stress; consider as important synonyms emphasize, accentuate, highlight collocations underscore a [word, line, phrase, sentence] underscore the [issue, importance, idea] (of) |
encompass заключать, касаться | definition to include completely, comprehensively; to enclose; envelop synonyms contain, comprise, incorporate, involve collocations encompass a [range, spectrum, variety, wealth] (of) encompass a [wide, varied, considerable] [range] of |
reconcile согласовать, согласовывать, примирять | definition to compose or settle (a quarrel, dispute, etc.); to bring into agreement synonyms resolve, harmonize, accommodate, balance collocations reconcile [accounts, differences, divisions] reconciled with [her, the policy, the statements] |
expedite ускорять, содействовать | definition to speed up the progress of; perform promptly synonyms assist, promote, facilitate, advance, hasten collocations expedite the [order, shipment, payment, approval, process, implementation] expedite your [search, request, order] |
epitomize воплощать, резюмировать | definition to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of; typify synonyms outline, summarize, compress, exemplify, illustrate, model, represent, symbolize collocations moral virtue, the attitude, the future, vision |
dispense обходиться (без чего-л.) | definition to do without synonyms to do away with; forgo collocations dispense [completely, altogether] with dispense with [formalities, the preliminaries, introductions] |
contentious спорный | definition causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy synonyms argumentative, antagonistic, belligerent, hostile collocations issue, meeting, proposition, subject, discussion, figure |
blueprint план, проект, программа | definition a detailed outline or plan of action synonyms design, master plan, scheme, strategy collocations a blueprint for [action, change, success] |
shrink сокращать, сокращаться, сжиматься | definition to contract or lessen in size; become reduced in extent, amount, or value synonyms diminish, subside, decline, compress collocations shrink in [size, fear, numbers] [growth, the economy, GDP] is shrinking |
encounter сталкиваться, наталкиваться | definition to meet, esp. unexpectedly or in conflict; to meet with or contend against (difficulties, opposition, etc.) synonyms come across, bump into, combat, battle collocations to encounter [a setback, delays, difficulties]; encounter [several, many, all kinds of] [setbacks] |
adherent сторонник, приверженец | definition a person who follows or upholds a leader, cause, etc.;supporter, follower synonyms follower, partisan, backer, supporter, advocate collocations adherents to the view; adherent to the creed; adherent to the party |
inevitable неизбежный, неминуемый | definition unable to be avoided or escaped synonyms unavoidable, inescapable, unpreventable, certain collocations inevitable [result, outcome, consequence] |
albeit хотя, тем не менее, даже хотя | definition although; even if; even though |
stringent строгий, точный, обязательный, веский, убедительный | definition compelling, constraining, or urgent; demanding, strict, or severe; harshly controlled; convincing or forcible synonyms compelling, convincing; rigorous, harsh, severe collocations stringent [identity, security] checks stringent [limits, restrictions] (on)stringent [guidelines, rules, requirements, laws, criteria] |
obtain получать, приобретать, добиваться, достигать | definition to come into possession of; acquire synonyms gain, attain, acquire, capture collocations obtain information/ insurance/ credentials |
forbid запрещать, не позволять | definition to prohibit (something); make a rule or law against synonyms prohibit, ban collocations forbid [smoking, playing, running, parking] forbid [cellphones, laptops, electronic devices] |
permit лицензия, пропуск | definition an official certificate of permission; licence; to allow to be done or occur synonyms licence, authorisation, permission, grant, visa, pass collocations a permit to [construct, operate, work] the permit was [approved, denied] a [parking, demonstration, construction, hunting] permit apply for a permit |
articulate ясно выражать, формулировать | definition to put (an idea) clearly into speech synonyms put into words, express, utter, speak, verbalise collocations articulate [ideas, feelings, desires, fears, thoughts, words] it is difficult to articulate (clearly) articulate the [importance of, reasons for, need for] |
(un)viable (не)состоятельный, (не)жизнеспособный, (не)рентабельный | definition (in)capable of being done, accomplished, existing, taking place, or proving true synonyms (in)feasible, (im)possible, (im)plausible, (im)practicable, (un)realistic collocations (not) a viable [option, plan, suggestion, solution, strategy] |
populous густонаселенный, многолюдный | definition containing many people; heavily populated synonyms crowded, populated collocations a populous area, place, society, nations |
subsequent последующий, более поздний | definition occurring after; succeeding synonyms next, following , succeeding, successive collocations the subsequent [stages, phases, periods] (of)the subsequent [increase, decrease, growth] [in, of](and) its subsequent [impact, effect] [on, in](and) the subsequent [attempts, efforts] to |
perspective вид, точка зрения, видение, подход | definition one’s opinion about facts, ideas, and the relationships synonyms viewpoint, angle, view, position, outlook, standpoint collocations a [different, common, new, unique] perspective (on) a [new, fresh] perspective on life the [editor’s, reader’s, viewer’s] perspective |
putative предполагаемый, мнимый | definition commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed synonyms presumed, supposed, alleged, assumed collocations putative partner, leader, domination |
impel побуждать, принуждать | definition to urge forward; to force, incite or constrain to action synonyms drive, force, urge, set in motion, propel collocations impel to produce, to exercise, to connect, to act |
tentatively предварительно, в предварительном порядке, ориентировочно | definition unsure; not definite or positive; hesitant; of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt;experimental synonyms experimentally, conditionally, provisionally collocations a tentative [agreement, decision, understanding, judgment, conclusion] |
compatible совместимый, сочетаемый | definition consistent; capable of existing or living together in harmony synonyms consistent, in accord, nonconflicting collocations compatible [system, program] |
indispensable необходимый, незаменимый, обязательный | definition necessary or essential; incapable of being disregarded or neglected synonyms essential, vital, crucial, necessary, critical, integral collocations an indispensable element of/ tool/ asset/ part an indispensable [staff member, employee, worker] |
backlash отрицательная реакция, ответный удар | definition a strong or violent reaction, as to some social or political change synonyms adverse reaction, response, repercussions, consequences, recoil collocations a (political, social, media) backlash (if) |
stance позиция, установка | definition a mental or emotional position or opinion taken with respect to smth synonyms attitude, position, opinion, viewpoint, standpoint, perspective, angle collocations take a stance on the issue, the [government’s, celebrity’s, politician’s] stance on, a stance against [corruption, the war] |
surge повышение, быстрый рост, резкий скачок | definition a strong, forward movement, a sudden rush or burst synonyms rise, increase, soar collocations a surge in [production, prices, profits] a sudden surge of [embarrassment, excitement, anger] |
clamp down подавлять, прекращать, запретить | definition to behave repressively; attempt to repress something regarded as undesirable synonyms restrict, restrain, curb, limit, hamper collocations clamp down on [fraud, domestic violence, racism][bids, efforts, plans, laws] to clamp down on [fraud] |
nurture вынашивать, воспитывать, лелеять; питать | definition to encourage or provide moral support, to bring up; train; educate synonyms encourage, foster, bolster, boost, support, inspire, motivate, mentor, guide collocations nurture your [talent, growth, natural ability, business] |
standoff тупик, ничья, безвыходное положение | definition standing apart; aloofness, smth that counterbalances synonyms stalemate, deadlock, draw, halt, stoppage collocations silent/ shocked/ new/ polite/ tense/ geopolitical standoff break/ escalate/ intensify/ resolve the standoff unaware of the standoff |
curtail сокращать, урезать, уменьшать | definition to cut short; reduce synonyms restrict, confine, decrease, diminish collocations an attempt to curtail [inflation, unemployment] curtailed the [number, power, spread] of [drastically, sharply, significantly, further] curtail |
inimical враждебный, недружелюбный, неблагоприятный, вредный | definition harmful; causing injury; unfriendly; hostile synonyms antagonistic, hostile, noxious, hazardous, detrimental collocations inimical to humanity/ state/ interests/ public well-being/ nation/ safety |
flawed бракованный; дефектный, ошибочный | definition characterised by defects, blemish; having imperfections synonyms defect, faulty, imperfect, with pitfalls, with drawbacks collocations a flawed [component, part, logic, argument] flawed [social, economic, foreign, security] policies |
imperil подвергать опасности; рисковать | definition to put in danger; endanger; pose a threat synonyms jeopardise, endanger, put at risk collocations imperil the ecosystem/ economic growth/ democratic institutions/ fundamentals/ system/ plan |
imply означать, подразумевать, предполагать, значить | definition to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated; to involve as a necessary circumstance; presuppose synonyms indicate, suggest, signify, involve, mean, entail, contain, denote collocations the [data, experiment] implied that implied [the beginning of, an end to] the [fact, thought, idea] was implied by |
dimension аспект, сфера, элемент, измерение | definition an aspect or factor, the scope or importance synonyms aspect, angle, attribute, scope, factor collocations add a new dimension to; political/economic dimension |
violation нарушение | definition an act that disregards an agreement or a right; entry to another’s property without right or permission synonyms infringement, negligence, noncompliance, breach, trespass collocations violation of the right, international law, state’s sovereignty |
mediate быть посредником, содействовать соглашению | definition attempt to settle (a dispute)/to bring about a solution between two opposing sides synonyms arbitrate, negotiate, intermediate, resolve, reconcile, settle collocations complex disputes, talks, conflict |
dilute ослабленный, слабый | definition to reduce the strength of, as by adding or mixing something synonyms decrease, diminish, mitigate collocations the value, the power, impact, support, competition |
stalemate тупик, безвыходное положение | definition a situation in which no action can be taken or progress made; deadlock synonyms deadlock, standoff, impasse collocations [a political, a diplomatic, a budget, an economic] stalemate; to reach/ break/ end |
plausible правдоподобный, вероятный | definition having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable synonyms credible, probable, reasonable, convincing, feasible collocations [reason, explanation, theory]; [assumption, solution, alternative] |
consent согласие, разрешение, соглашаться | definition to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield synonyms agree, approve, acquiesce, sanction, permit, concede, yield collocations [providing, provided that, even if] both partners consent |
urge убеждать, побуждать, настаивать | definition to encourage forcefully; to impel to greater speed, to recommend, insist, stress synonyms encourage, nudge, incite, impel, recommend, propose collocations urge smb to [see, try, reconsider]; urge a plan of action; urge the need for [safety, new measures] |
inclination предрасположение, предрасположенность, склонность | definition a disposition or bent (of the mind or will); a liking or preference; a tendency toward a certain condition, action synonyms tendency, affinity, preference, leaning, propensity, predisposition, bias collocations strong/ little/ natural; inclination to yield/ compete/ amplify |
purview компетенция, сфера, область, границы, нормы закона | definition the range of operation, authority, concern/ of vision, insight, or understanding synonyms range, reach, scope collocationsunder/ outside the purview; agency’s purview; purview includes/ will expand |